What Do Collagen Peptides Do? – ReGenos

What Do Collagen Peptides Do?

Thoughts from ReGenos President, Jim Kent

My thoughts:

This article is a great starting point. It discusses the benefits of collagen in which we would agree with. It discusses “peptides” and how to get hydrolyzed peptides. Well, guess what? Collagen manufactures all make hydrolyzed collagen peptides. We not only use hydrolyzed collagen peptides but we also have it agglomerated. That means it “puffs up” more and will take on moisture better so when it’s dropped in your favorite beverage, it mixes in better.

I really like this article because it speaks just to the benefits. One word of caution from this article: it discusses that collagen peptide increase the satiety hormone. That is true but it kind of eludes to collagen being a meal substitute. Collagen is a protein so you’d think you can just eat it and maybe lose weight, but collagen protein is not a complete protein. A complete protein is one that has all the essential amino acids in it. See our FAQs for more about this but because of collagen being “incomplete,” you will not be able to substitute it completely for a meal replacement.

I have seen one study that says what this article claims of needed only 2.5 grams of collagen to help atherosclerosis. This study uses a special blend of collagen. It’s extremely expensive and is not easy to find. In fact, I have not seen it marketed in the USA yet. ReGenos is currently studying this product and will bring it to market if we find it viable.

If you have any questions about this article or want more info, please contact us. We’d love to help you out.


What Do Collagen Peptides Do?

Medical Author: Karthik Kumar, MBBS Medical Reviewer: Pallavi Suyog Uttekar, MD
Medically Reviewed on 5/17/2021

Multiple studies have reported the advantages of collagen peptides for skin, hair and joint problems. If a person decides to take a collagen supplement, they must look for the one that is hydrolyzed. This means collagen has been broken down into small peptides that are easy for the body to digest and transport to the cells through the bloodstream. Benefits of collagen peptides expand across the body, which may include

  • Collagen peptides help repair the damaged skin and make it more youthful by making firmer skin, improving skin elasticity and reducing skin dryness. Peptides improve brittle nails, damaged hair and fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Studies have found that collagen peptides improve the symptoms of osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis by reducing joint pain. Collagen peptides also improve bone density. Collagen might help maintain and increase bone density and strength with age, potentially limiting the risk of injury.
  • Research shows that collagen peptides may improve gut health and reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Because collagen helps heal the gut, it, in turn, strengthens the immune system, making a person less prone to infections and allergies.
  • Collagen peptides improve recovery time and joint function in athletes.
  • Some research also shows that collagen peptides may help with weight loss and reduce body fat. Collagen can boost metabolism by increasing lean muscle mass. When combined with exercise, taking collagen peptide may increase skeletal muscle, resulting in increased metabolism over time and reduced weight.
  • Moreover, studies have reported that collagen peptides specifically increase the satiety hormone. This means after consuming collagen, a person will not feel hungry for a while. Hunger pain is one of the biggest hurdles in weight loss. People are much more likely to stick to their goals if they feel full.
  • People who work out already know proteins such as collagen are crucial for building lean muscle. Reasons for this are complex. One element is creatinine production. Creatinine provides the fuel needed for muscle function. It also supports strength training. Adding collagen peptide supplements to an overall resistance training routine can also help turn body fat into lean muscle.
  • Taking collagen during pregnancy and breastfeeding is safe, but if a woman is worried, they should ask their doctor to be sure. Collagen supports skin elasticity that is ideal during pregnancy because the body is stretching a lot. It’s great for the joint and ligaments that have added stress on them while making room for a baby.
  • A study on healthy, older adults reported that supplementing a diet with just 2.5 grams of collagen peptide per day improves atherosclerosis markers. Results probably have nothing to do with blood lipids and instead are related to the health of blood vessel walls. However, more research is required to prove that collagen peptides could improve the function of blood vessel walls.

However, people with kidney disease or other kidney issues should work with a doctor to find their ideal protein intake of collage peptide. Even an easy-to-process protein such as collagen peptide counts toward the daily total protein and calorie intake.

What are collagen peptides?
Collagen peptides are a soluble supplement derived from marine or bovine (cows) protein. These peptides are rich in types I and III collagen and good for skin, bone and joint health. Most peptides are flavorless and dissolve completely in hot or cold liquid.

  • Collagen peptides contain the same reparative amino acids that are found in the gelatin of bone broth. They are derived from pure collagen.
  • They are a functional ingredient used in food and beverages, as well as in dietary supplements, targeting both bone and joint health along with skin beauty.
  • Created through enzymatic hydrolysis of collagen, collagen peptides are a bioavailable form of collagen and are highly water soluble and nongelling.
  • Collagen peptides contain higher than 90 percent protein and are made from bovine, porcine or marine sources.
  • They contain eight of the nine essential amino acids and are high in proline, glycine and hydroxyproline.
  • Because of the high content of specific amino acids, including hydroxyproline-proline and hydroxyproline-glycine, collagen peptides are easily absorbed within the body and improve skin, joint and bone health.
  • Because of their lower molecular weight, collagen peptides are easily absorbed in the digestive tract, delivering amino acids and high concentrations of hydroxyproline-proline and hydroxyproline-glycine dipeptides to enhance skin, joint and bone health.
  • Collagen peptides have the added benefit of versatility in food, beverage and supplement formulations. People may use them to spike their coffee or smoothie.
  • Because they cannot form gels, formulators can use collagen peptides in a wide variety of applications, including protein bars, ready to drink (RTD) beverages and powders.

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